
About Tessa Harris / TKEH

I am a watercolour and mixed media artist living in Wales, UK. Most of my work focuses on emotive portraiture as a way to explore mental health, with a hint of the surreal and fantastical. 

I am a self-taught artist and haven't received any formal art education outside of secondary school, but since 2020 have dedicated a lot of time to creating and developing my style. Outside of art, I have a BSc and MRes in Biosciences, and am studying for a PhD in molecular and cell biology.

In any spare time I have left over, I like to spend it outside in the hills, woods and rivers of South Wales and the South West, or inside playing games (it's mostly Dungeons & Dragons, always). I also dedicate a large amount of time to placating the the fluffy demon (Purrito) and angel (Beans) that deign to call my house their home.